Thursday, June 3, 2010

10 Years

Ten years ago to this day was the day I suffered a traumatic brain injury while sitting in the front passenger seat of a Ford Taurus.  I cannot believe how much time has passed since that day and how many things have changed.  There have been celebrations, challenges and changes.

Few days go by that I do not think about the untold numbers of people that were there for me in my time of need.  Their prayers, words of encouragement and support throughout my recovery will forever be in my memory.  I have lost touch with many of them since high school for multiple reasons but I still think of them individually from time to time.

At times I pick up the journals that were kept for friends and family to write messages to me and come across posts from people I haven't thought of in a long time.  If one of those people happens to read this post, please know that you hold a special place in my memory and I thank you for being there for me. 

It's natural for friends to grow apart after school; they start families, jobs and the commonalities that once brought them together have faded.  Social networking sites like Facebook have helped to lessen the drifting of childhood friends but former friends turn into 'Facebook friends.'  Then there are the friends that you scour the internet to locate but cannot.  All of this is inevitable but still regrettable. 

I want the friends of any kind and from any time in my life to know that you have never been forgotten.  What you did for me, no matter how small, has sustained me to this very day and I pray that the Lord blesses you for your goodness.

Ten years and one day have passed since I broke up with a high school girlfriend.  Not a day goes by where I don't think about her and how she stuck by my side while I was in a coma.  She was an angel then and she is an angel now who is in the nursery putting away the clothes of our little boy.  Thank you darling, you are the light of my life!

For those readers who do not know me but know someone with a brain injury, please take this post as proof that words, pictures and voices have meaning.  You will always be remembered for your goodwill.  To those who have brain injuries, do not forgot those who got you through one of the most critical times of your life.

God bless!

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain brother my little brother is a tbi patient who has been giving no hope since day one. Its coming up on a year and im still waiting to hear his voice see his smile. But I will continue to be there for him til he does God bless you brother and hope to hear back from you message me if you can at I would love to talk to someone who has experienced what my little brother is currently going thru.
